The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

There has been a lot of buzz lately over tires.  It seems like even touching them is regulated by some federal agency or another.  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has revised its tire servicing materials to address current hazards and help workers safely perform maintenance on large vehicle tires. 

The revised materials address OSHA’s Materials Handling and Storage standard that protects workers who service single-piece and multi-piece rim wheels.  Following recent talks with representatives from tire, rubber, and wheel manufacturers, OSHA determined a need for new materials with updates from sources such as the Tire Industry Association. 

The updated information, available in a portable manual or as three poster-sized charts, is easier to access and use. 

OSHA’s revised “Multi-Piece Rim Matching Chart” provides an updated list of current and obsolete components, and the old “Demounting and Mounting Procedures for Truck/Bus Tires” chart is now expanded into two charts that deal individually with tubeless and tube-type tires, as well as addressing demounting, mounting and inflating single and multi-piece assemblies. 

OSHA also compiled the three charts into a booklet that can be easily printed so all of the information is readily available every place that truck tires are serviced (as required by law). 

The electronic files are available so employers can have charts printed, and 29 CFR 1910.177 specifically states that the charts or the information contained in the charts must be available in the service area.

The revised tire charts are available for download on OSHA’s publications page.

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