HR Services Include

  • Review of members’ materials, including:
    • Job descriptions;
    • Policies and procedures;
    • Corrective actions; and more.
  • HR consultations (phone-based or in-person)
  • FMLA consultation
  • Virtual engagements, workshops, and on-site training
  • Access to HR ExecSupport

HR Services Flier

Training Opportunities

  • Virtual engagements monthly, on topics such as:
    • Documentation
    • Hiring legally
    • Effective interviewing for supervisors
    • FMLA and ADA
    • Performance appraisals
    • Progressive discipline, and
    • The termination process
  • VRSA Online University, providing web-based
    training courses on topics such as:

    • Coaching job skills
    • Effective discipline
    • Essential skills in leadership
    • Essential skills in communication
    • Proving performance feedback
    • Sexual harassment
    • Supervising difficult behavior
    • Workplace diversity
    • Workplace violence prevention
  • Supervisor training, designed for first-time supervisors and/or those needing a refresher. Courses provide a review of various employment laws and supervisor skills. Each training is offered periodically throughout the year. Topics include:
    • How to interview and hire legally;
    • Proper documentation practices;
    • Performance management;
    • Corrective actions and terminations;
    • Employment laws;
    • Recruitment/retention, and more.
  • Sample materials, which can be downloaded from the VRSA website and customized for your entity. A current Sample Personnel Policy Manual is also available.

For More Information

For more information, please contact us at: 800-963-6800.