Risk Management Grant applications open Aug. 1!

Each year the VRSA Members’ Supervisory Board approves the distribution of Risk Management Grant funds to assist members in preventing or reducing losses. The board allocates $400,000 annually, and applications for the upcoming fund year will be online on Thursday, Aug. 1.

As members prepare to submit their applications, we recently shared the process used by the City of Lexington, where the safety committee is gathered each year to identify needs and prioritize their requests.  Over the years, the city has used the program to purchase items such as AEDs, magnetic manhole lifts, automatic chemical feeders, trench shields, and more.

“We want to make sure all departments in the city have equal opportunity to apply for grants,” said Lexington HR Director Robbie Bailey. “As part of the safety committee, departments have the opportunity to submit ideas of what to do with the funds and vote as a committee as to where money will be best utilized.”



The amount of funds members are eligible for is based on premium and coverage purchased.

VRSA is also committed to supporting quality professional and personal development for the next generation of leaders to promote good governance for the future.

As such, last year VRSA provided nearly $40,000 in funds for members to attend training such as the Graduate Certificate in Local Government Management at Virginia Tech; the University of Virginia’s Leading, Educating, and Developing program; the Senior Executive Institute; and the Virginia Women’s Municipal Leadership Institute.

Throughout the year, VRSA spotlights members utilizing grants on our social media sites, including LinkedIn and YouTube. Recent spotlights have included the Town of Urbanna and the Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority.

More information is available on the Risk Services page. A link to the grant application will be available on this page on Aug. 1. For more information, contact your entity’s assigned safety specialist or email: msrs@vrsa.us.