“The message of worker safety is a high ideal – nobody comes to work and says, I’m going to be the person to get hurt today at work,” said Matt Phillips, safety and risk manager with Hanover County. “We are a government agency and have critical roles to fill and a lot are public facing – it’s important that those folks are here – it’s caring for our employees who are the most critical resource we have.”
This quarter, VRSA recognizes Hanover County as one of the more than 100 members to make the Gold Star List. The list is published quarterly to recognize members who have reported their workers’ compensation claims within three days of injury.
“It’s important for us to make the Gold Star List as much as we can – to me, in the end, that signifies how important our employees are,” said Phillips.
Making the Gold Star List signifies that a member is not only reporting but also treating employees in a timely manner from the date of their injury. Timely reporting and treatment help make things go right for both the injured employee – with quicker treatment – and their employer – with less staff out as a result of injury.
Learn more in the video below!