VRSA Risk Management Grant applications open Aug. 1

Over the last ten years, VRSA has distributed more than $3 million in Risk Management Grants to support member risk management efforts.

Funds are approved by the VRSA Members’ Supervisory Board to promote risk management and aid our members in safely and effectively serving their communities.

Last year, more than 158 members received grants throughout the fund-year, including 15 designated for professional education and training.

Professional Education and Training

Marketing Specialist Abby Kimble with the Town of Herndon received grant funding to attend the University of Virginia, Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service Leading, Educating, and Developing (LEAD) program, designed for local government department heads and supervisors.

“I left LEAD with a clear roadmap of the concepts learned, which could be applied to my organization,” said Kimble. “The discussion focusing on human resources, empathy, communication, diversity, and equity and inclusion taught me how to look at these issues from a risk management lens.”

Town of Herndon Marketing Specialist Abby Kimble and other local government staff attend the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service Leading, Educating, and Developing (LEAD) program.

Risk Management

The Town of Blacksburg received grant funds for the purchase of six GoPro cameras to attach to public works equipment. The cameras are helping mitigate risk by providing content for staff micro-training sessions.

The Town of South Hill received grant funds to install bullet-resistant glass throughout the town hall.

The Virginia Peninsulas Public Service Authority received grant funds to purchase drones to provide a birds-eye view of the facility so that safe avenues for ingress and egress can be seen.


Grant Applications Open August 1

VRSA RIsk Management Grant applications for the 2022 – 2023 fund-year open Monday, Aug. 1. Grants are funded on a first-come, first-served basis. Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here. Questions regarding the VRSA Risk Management Grant program should be directed to Bullock at: tbullock@vrsa.us