Change to CompCare On-Call incident reports

At the request of some of our members, a change was recently made to the CompCare On-Call Incident Reports sent to members following the employees (or supervisors) call to report workers’ compensation claims.

In order for a workers’ compensation claim to be established and filed with the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, we must obtain personal information about the employee, including their social security number (SSN).

The employees’ SSNs appear on these incident reports.  Although these reports are sent to members via secure e-mail, several members requested that the full  SSN not be shown on the incident report, since these reports are shared internally.

VMLIP approached S1 Medical, providers of CompCare On-Call, for a solution and one was implemented. Now, VMLIP receives the full SSN through our Electronic Data Interface, while all but the last four digits are being masked on the incident reports.

For additional information on this, contact VMLIP Director of Workers’ Compensation Claims Robin Duvall at 800-963-6800.