In accordance with our bylaws, we are notifying the membership of the annual election for the Members’ Supervisory Board to be held at the Annual Meeting on May 3, 2024, and soliciting nominations for those interested in serving on the board.
Governing officials and chief administrative officers of member entities are eligible to serve on the board.
Three board terms are expiring, and new terms will expire in 2027. Those positions are currently filled by:
- Josh Farrar, Manager, Town of Ashland
- Rodney Hathaway, Administrator, New Kent County
- Gregory Thomasson, Executive Director, Harrisonburg-Rockingham Regional Sewer Authority
All three incumbents have indicated their willingness to continue their service on the board.
Information about the roles and responsibilities of Members’ Supervisory Board members is available in the flyer above. Those interested in standing for election to the board should send a cover note and resume via email here, by Feb. 15, 2024.