Fall website enhancements include member reporting dashboards

As announced at the 2017 Fall Workshops, VML Insurance Programs (VMLIP) launched a new set of website enhancements on October 2.  Many of these updates were in direct response to member feedback.  The release includes new administration features and enhancements to the online claim form, including:


  • The ability to export users for viewing in Excel
  • Default hiding of inactive/disabled users.

  • The removal of unconfirmed, basic user accounts from the initial website launch. Users may create new registrations, if needed.

Claim Reporting:

  • For workers’ compensation, the ability to save (start) a report without all the required employee information. Employee information is still needed to submit the workers’ compensation claim; however, supervisors may allow human resources to finish and submit the report.

  • The ability to remove/delete pending incident reports, along with automated reminders of incident reports in pending status more than three days.

  • The ability to upload multiple attachments at one time.

  • Printing improvements:
    • A friendlier and condensed print format;

  • The ability to print a copy of the claim report from the ‘success’ pop-up window;

  • The ability to select whether all or only answered questions are printed; and
  • A ‘print’ button at the top of the claim summary window (previously only at the bottom).

  • The addition of the claimant name(s) and VMLIP claim number(s) to the submitted reports list.

Interactive Dashboards

Also launched October 2 is a new website reporting feature – interactive dashboards.

Dashboards display information in graphs and other visual formats to provide an at-a-glance view of your organizations performance.  Some of the dashboard features are:

  • Multiple reports (widgets) on a single page
  • Dynamic, single click filtering across all widgets on the page
  • A list of individual claims based on the active filters/information
  • The ability to export widgets as images or data for internal reports

Four initial dashboards are included in this release:  Claims History, including loss ratios for the last five years; Open Claims; Workers’ Compensation Claims; Property and Liability Claims.  An organization’s dashboard access is dependent on coverage.  Dashboards can be accessed from the new homepage “Dashboards” widget, or from the “My VMLIP” menu.  A tutorial may be found on the VMLIP website here.

VMLIP will be adding more dashboards in the future and we welcome your suggestions!

All the above website features are dependent on a user’s website role or permission.  Contact your member administrator if you do not have access to these features and feel you should.  E-mail us at internet@vmlins.org if you need to know who the administrator is for your organization.