Playground safety and the City of Lexington

Entanglements and falls are the leading causes of injuries on playgrounds.

It is estimated that emergency departments see more than 20,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries each year.*

In order to prevent serious injuries and liabilities, it is important for public entities to develop and adhere to a routine playground audit and inspection program. It is recommended that public entities follow standards set by ANSI, the American National Standards Institute; ASTM, International Standards Worldwide; and the Consumer Product Safety Commission for playground inspections.

VMLIP Safety Consultant Edward Shelton, who has a Certified Playground Safety Inspector designation from the National Recreation and Park Association, frequently inspects playgrounds for VMLIP members.

Recently, he visited Richardson Park in the City of Lexington to review their playground inspection program. He met with City of Lexington Crew Leader Brian Crews.

A video highlighting their inspection and what to look for in reviewing your playgrounds is below. A full-length and more comprehensive look at this inspection is available as a resource for our members here.

*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention