This summer, the City of Poquoson – located on the Virginia Peninsula in the Hampton Roads metropolitan area and one of the oldest continuously named cities in Virginia, applied for VRSA Risk Management Grant funding for the purchase of automatic external defibrillators (AED) equipped with remote access. The devices were placed at city hall and their parks and recreation facility where they host events – many attended by seniors.
Maintaining and providing community facilities and services consistent with citizen needs is a strategic goal of the city, outlined in their most recent comprehensive plan. The installation of two new AED units is in line with the city’s goals.
“We have a strategic objective to ensure these AED’s are easily identified and available for public use if needed,” said B-Shift Battalion Chief/EMS Officer John Young. “The city understands the time sensitive nature of cardiac arrest and has taken these steps to ensure defibrillation is available before EMS arrival.”
The devices, LIFEPAK CR2 AEDS with LIFELINKcentral program manager, are connected to WiFi and automatically alert maintenance staff to issues affecting the devices’ readiness, such as low batteries or electrodes nearing their expiration dates.
Over the last 10 years, the VRSA Risk Management Grant program has provided $3 million in funding to strengthen risk management programs and help members promote their strategic goals.
For the 2020-2021 fund-year, the VRSA Members’ Supervisory Board has voted to increase funding available in the program as well as make COVID-19 related personal protective equipment eligible for funding.
For more information on VRSA grants, contact your VRSA safety consultant.