Peak summertime weather in Virginia is here. This hot and humid weather signals the start of payroll audits. This process is a requirement of the Bureau of Insurance under Administrative Code 14VAC5-360-80(D), whereby the VRSA Members’ Supervisory Board is responsible for assuring payroll verification within 180 days of July 1.
Members may receive a physical audit by our auditing company, Wilkinson Insurance Services, or their audits may be completed by mail or telephone.
Those who receive physical or telephonic audits will receive a call from one of the auditors listed below for scheduling:
- Rick Young (Tidewater area)
- Lindsey Tosti (Tidewater to Richmond area)
- Tyler Ponti (Richmond and surrounding area)
- Robert Morris (Valley and Route 29 area)
- Sabrina Nelms (Roanoke Valley)
- Frank Pierce (Southwest Virginia)
- Ed Galloway (where needed)
- Joe Gubbons (where needed)
Auditors conducting physical audits will wear masks and have hand sanitizer which they will use entering and departing your offices. The auditors will also wear gloves and have their temperature taken upon request.
If you are uncomfortable with a physical audit, please let the auditor know, and they will schedule a hybrid audit via email and/or teleconference.
An important change for this audit season:
If you had any special COVID-19 payroll from 3/1/20 to 6/30/20, it should be broken out by the following:
- Telecommuters – employees who worked only from home doing office work during the time period who normally work at your location, and
- Employees who were paid to stay home and did no work during that time period.
If you have any questions, please contact your underwriter at 800-963-6800.