New Certificates of Insurance Portal Opens

At the June 2023 Risk Manager Forum, participants requested a solution to manage the Third-Party Certificates of Insurance (COIs) they must collect from external vendors and parties.

We listened. And we delivered.

VRSA is pleased to introduce the new COI Management Portal, available as of July 1. For those with permission, the portal can be accessed via the Policy Admin dropdown menu on the Member Home Page.

The portal operates within a separate environment from the Member Portal, which allows members to print current certificates, create new certificates, manage contacts, update scheduled items, view claims status, access their panel of physicians, and more.

The design of the COI Management Portal is a result of the collaborative efforts of risk managers from various members, who provided insightful requirements and feedback.

Key features include:

  • A central, searchable repository for COI records and associated documents;
  • Member-specific links for COI Submitters to enter information without a login or full application access;
  • Notifications of newly submitted COIs to a member’s designated COI reviewer/approver email address(es);
  • Review/approval workflow;
  • The ability to associate COIs with individual contracts/projects and insureds/carriers/producers;
  • The ability to track associated certificate coverages with coverage details (e.g., limit, eff/exp dates, carrier, policy number, etc.); and
  • Email notifications of COI’s and/or COI Coverages expiring in 30 days.

Members interested in using the COI Management Portal may contact their member services representative for more information at: or 800-963-6800.