Coverage Parts Include

Privacy liability: Covers loss arising out of failure to protect sensitive personal or corporate information in any format. Provides coverage for regulatory proceedings brought by a governmental agency alleging violation of any state, federal, or foreign identity theft or privacy protection legislation.

Network Liability: Covers liability of the organization arising out of the failure of network security, including unauthorized access or use of corporate systems, denial of service attack, and transmission of malicious code.

Internet Media Liability: Covers infringement of copyright/trademark, invasion of privacy, libel, slander, plagiarism or negligence arising out of content on the organization’s website.

Data Breach Fund: Covers expenses to retain computer forensics firm to determine scope of breach, notify customers/employees whose sensitive personal information has been breached, provide credit monitoring services to affected individuals, and obtain public relations services to restore an organization’s reputation.

Social Engineering: Covers telecommunications fraud, cyber extortion and fraudulent instruction.

Coverage Highlights

  • Cyber coverage available since 2012.
  • Social engineering protections added in 2018.

Cyber Services Include:

  • A cyber defense attorney manages each incident to ensure VRSA’s commitment to service is met.
  • Robust services and training including free, unlimited cybersecurity courses included through the VRSA Online University.
  • Access to a free cybersecurity application with a security healthcheck.
  • Sample incident response plans, cyber prevention measures, and a cyber inventory register are available.